Every Occasion
Every Location
... no longer.

Privacy is very important to us, and we respect the fact that it is very important to you too. That is easily said, but let us assure you that it is something that we take very seriously.

Our business is founded on that principal, and over the years has been amongst some high profile clients and guests. Film stars, nobility, cabinet ministers, and high profile executives have all been clients or guests.

We've experienced - and avoided covert tabloid phone calls, chasing paparazzi, and unwanted media intrusion, and have never - and will never disclose anything.

Fiona worked for some years for the White Elephant Club in W1, so called as it was a restaurant for all the stars who didn't feel safe anywhere else - the white elephants. They wanted to enjoy a quiet dinner away from intrusion and story tellers.

Fiona held the job until the club closed as she was so trusted and respected for her discretion.

You can be assurred that that discretion is maintained today.